MSI Recruiting

MSI Recruiting | Florida Hiring Professionals and Staffing Agency

Whether you’re a seasoned professional looking for a new gig, a fresh graduate stepping into the job market, or just someone who wants to ace the art of engaging conversations, you’ve come to the right place!

It’s no secret that interviews can feel like a high-stakes game, testing your skills and confidence with every minute that passes. The sweaty palms, the racing heartbeat, and the struggle to find the perfect words – we’ve all been there. 

While it’s natural to feel nervous or apprehensive about interviews, these experiences also offer a unique opportunity to learn and develop. Not to mention, they can provide insights into your strengths and outline areas for improvement that you might have otherwise overlooked.

Even in the face of nerves, there are certain techniques that will heighten your chances of standing out among an array of candidates. These strategies, backed by years of experience and expertise, are designed to help you navigate the interview process more successfully.

So, let’s unravel those methods in this “how to interview” guide and get you to a place of feeling confident for your next interview!

Shifting your perspective for a better interview process

Let’s begin by acknowledging the obvious: perceiving interviews as positive experiences rather than hurdles is often simpler in theory than practice. 

Considering that interviews are often pivotal moments in your life, it’s not uncommon for them to evoke feelings of self-doubt and anxiety. Thoughts of making a lasting impression, demonstrating your qualifications, and showcasing your worth can feel overwhelming and a bit intimidating, no matter how seasoned you are in your designated field. 

These emotions are entirely natural, especially in the days and hours leading up to an interview date. However, that doesn’t mean they have to be a hindrance to your success. In fact, you can channel those moments of uncertainty into proactive preparation, leading to a more confident outlook while interviewing.   

Contrary to some assumptions, confidence is less a personality trait and more a skill that anyone can master. With this understanding, you can more constructively manage those inevitable feelings and acknowledge that professional growth often arises from those moments of discomfort.

However, embracing interviews as avenues for growth requires a shift in mindset, one that might not come naturally to everyone. It involves reframing the experience from a nerve-wracking assessment to a chance for self-expression. 

Therefore – before you can become a confident interviewee, you have to shift your mindset! With some practice and preparation, you can transform the way you perceive interviews from daunting challenges to opportunities for growth. And we’re here to guide you through the exact steps to achieve this:

How to Ace a Job Interview

As leaders in the recruitment landscape, it is our mission to provide you with the tools and guidance necessary to elevate your interview performance and approach interviews with a newfound sense of assurance. 

Here are five proven strategies, as outlined by MSI’s Managing Partner, Kellen Smith, on how to excel at your next job interview:

1. Approach it as a sales presentation

Because interviews generally last around 45 minutes, it’s crucial to maximize every second. Treating your interview as a sales presentation is one of the simplest methods to ensure effective utilization of your time, while also ensuring you make a genuine connection with your interviewer. 

Just as a salesperson seeks to address a customer’s needs and offer valuable solutions, you, as the job seeker, can focus on showcasing how your skills and professional background can fulfill the company’s requirements.

Additionally, the sales presentation approach encourages confidence and assertiveness from the start. Successful salespeople exude confidence in their products, and by approaching an interview similarly, you can clearly articulate your qualifications and experiences.

2. Arrive early

According to Smith, the importance of timeliness cannot be understated during the interview process. As a general rule, interviewees should arrive 10-15 minutes early, which shows both a respect for the interviewer’s time and a commitment to professionalism. 

Being punctual also affords you the opportunity to gather your thoughts and compose yourself before the interview begins. Actually, the moment you pull into the parking lot is the moment your interview really starts; it’s worth noting that your interviewer could be in the same vicinity.

With this in mind, there is such a thing as arriving “too early” to a scheduled interview. For example, arriving 30 minutes or more before your interview time may disrupt the interviewer’s schedule and create an awkward waiting period. 

While punctuality is commendable, there’s an appropriate balance.

3. Excitement sells

Candidates who exude enthusiasm are often perceived as self-motivated and willing to take initiative. This trait is highly valued in professional environments where individuals are expected to drive projects and contribute actively to team dynamics.

Moreover, if you appear excited about the role, it shows interviewers that you have a wholehearted interest in their specific company. This energy typically creates a positive atmosphere, and contributes to making a lasting and persuasive impression on interviewers.

4. Ask the right questions

While you might assume that the interviewer is the one directing the questions, the ones you ask can hold equal significance. By posing well-considered questions, you gain an opportunity to showcase your research and demonstrate your curiosity about the company’s operations, culture, and future direction.

This not only paints you as a candidate who’s genuinely interested in the company’s dynamics but also provides a platform for you to discuss your skills and experiences in alignment with the company’s needs.

According to industry experts, these are two must-ask questions in every interview: 

  • How can I help the company? 
  • Tell me about your best employee?

“How can I help the company?” signifies your proactive approach and intrigue in contributing meaningfully. It showcases your dedication to being an asset rather than just an employee, setting you apart as a candidate who is ready to make a difference from day one.

On the other hand, “Tell me about your best employee?” emphasizes your desire to adapt to the company’s values and culture. Learning about the qualities that the company values in its top employees provides you with insights into the qualities and characteristics that can propel you toward excellence within the organization.

Armed with these insightful inquiries, you’re not only demonstrating your strategic thinking but also inviting the interviewer to envision you as a valuable contributor and an embodiment of the company’s ideal employee.

5. Closing the interview with impact

While initial impressions are always important, the last few minutes of the interview tend to be the most impactful. As the interview is wrapping up, it’s crucial to say thank you to your interviewer. Gratitude never goes unnoticed irregardless if you’re deemed a suitable candidate for the role. 

Equally important, you want to leave them wanting more. Vocally express your interest in the position and ask what the next steps are. At this point, you should get a good read on how well the interview went and better insights into timelines and expectations should the interview process continue.

Yet, the most strategic power move of all lies in asking the following question:

“Is there anything else in my background or experience that I can share with you that will give you the comfort level that I’m the right person for this job?”

This question, without fail, challenges the interviewer to put all the cards on the table. It gives you the opportunity to clarify any questions they may have concerning your experience and alleviate any reservations they might hold about you that weren’t previously discussed during the interview.

Do’s and Don’ts

At MSI Recruiting, we understand that not every job seeker will perform at the highest aptitude in an interview. While the five tips above highlight proven strategies for honing your interview skills and presenting yourself more confidently, there are basic do’s and don’ts that every interviewee should follow. 

To start, let’s go over what you should definitely avoid:


  • Arrive unprepared: Research the company, role, and industry thoroughly to demonstrate your genuine interest and knowledge. Interviewers can tell relatively quickly if you haven’t done your homework. 
  • Monopolize the conversation: Balance talking about yourself with actively listening and engaging in a two-way conversation. Be conscious of creating a positive rapport that can set you apart from other candidates.
  • Ramble answers: Practice concise yet comprehensive responses. Long-winded answers can lose the interviewer’s attention and lead to an unmemorable experience. 
  • Speak negatively: Avoid speaking negatively about past employers or experiences. Focus on positive aspects and constructive challenges that underscore your ability to adapt and grow. 
  • Forget to ask questions: Interviewers expect thoughtful questions from candidates. Failing to ask demonstrates lack of interest or preparation. Or worse, it might convey a mismatch between your aspirations and the company’s values.


  • Act the part: Dressing appropriately, maintaining eye contact, and using positive body language all contribute to making a positive first impression. The way you present yourself does matter and speaks volumes about your professionalism.
  • Tailor your responses: Customize your answers to emphasize how your skills and experiences align with the specific job requirements. Give personalized examples to showcase your abilities in a work environment. 
  • Highlight soft skills: Emphasize your interpersonal skills, teamwork, and adaptability as they’re highly valued by employers.
  • Exhibit adept problem-solving: Your ability to navigate and resolve complex situations will leave a strong impression on interviewers. Meaning, they’ll trust you have good instincts.
  • Show enthusiasm: From the moment you shake hands to the closing notes of the interview, make sure to convey your enthusiasm for both the role and the company. This energetic demeanor will help you shine as a top candidate.

By sidestepping these common interview mistakes and adhering to this comprehensive list of do’s, you’ll position yourself as a confident and well-prepared candidate, increasing your chances of landing the job you desire.

how to interview

How to Interview Your Way to Success

As the interview date draws near, allocating time to research the company, the role, and the industry is a non-negotiable step. Simply put, there is no such thing as over-preparedness. When you become well-versed on the organization’s values, goals, and recent achievements, it provides a foundation for your sales presentation and helps you navigate the process with better ease and insight.

That said, preparing diligently isn’t the only way to ace your interview. As noted, a confident mindset as well as asking the right questions will help portray you as a candidate who is not merely seeking a job, but aiming to be a valuable asset to the company. This initiative, combined with your genuine enthusiasm for the role, can truly make a significant difference as you go through the interview process.

Whichever opportunity you seek, the interview is your platform to shine. Embrace the challenge, showcase your uniqueness, and allow these strategies to be your guide to success.

Ready to tackle your next interview with confidence? Looking for an opportunity that fits your professional aspirations? Visit our website to see the latest job offerings in your area! Email or call us at 561- 314-7170 for further assistance in your job search.

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